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EV recycling set to unlock $100 billion value

Metal Tech News - September 18, 2024

IDTechEx report examines potential of critical materials recovery from EVs to drive a circular economy by 2045.

As the automotive industry shifts toward electrification, recycling end-of-life vehicles is becoming an increasingly important source of critical materials, potentially surpassing traditional mining. According to a recent report by IDTechEx, the recovery of valuable metals from electric vehicle batteries and motors is expected to generate over $100 billion annually by 2045, transforming the landscape of material supply chains and helping to address global shortages of critical resources.

The growing demand for EVs, renewable energy systems, and other modern technologies has placed unprecedented pressure on the global supply of critical materials like lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earths.

With millions of EVs expected to reach the end of their life cycles over the next two decades, the need for effective recycling and material recovery has never been more pressing. As industries such as automotive, electronics, and energy shift toward sustainable material sourcing, the scramble for critical resources needed to build those millions of vehicles remains an ongoing challenge.

This growing demand is central to IDTechEx's latest report, "Critical Material Recovery 2025-2045", which examines how advancements in recycling technologies and the increasing concentration of critical materials in EV components could unlock new opportunities for material recovery and drive the circular economy forward.

Rather than focusing solely on traditional mining, the report highlights the growing potential of secondary sources, such as end-of-life vehicles, as key contributors to the global supply of critical materials.

According to IDTechEx analyst Jack Howley, the recovery of valuable materials from EVs and automotive scrap could offer a sustainable alternative to primary mineral extraction, potentially alleviating supply chain vulnerabilities and reducing the environmental impact of mining.

This comprehensive analysis underscores the importance of transitioning to a more circular economy, where critical materials can be recovered from existing products, supporting long-term sustainability in crucial sectors like transportation and energy.

Shift in materials

As electric vehicles continue to play an increasingly vital role in the future of transportation, the critical materials within them – such as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earths – have become more valuable. These materials are essential not only for the production of EV batteries and motors but also for driving the global transition to clean energy.

Historically, the value of automotive recycling was concentrated around platinum group metals (PGMs) such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium, which were recovered primarily from the catalytic converters of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

Depending on the model, an ICE vehicle can contain between $100 and $1,000 worth of these precious metals.


However, as electrification of vehicles progresses, the focus is shifting toward the critical metals found in EV components.

According to IDTechEx's analysis, each electric vehicle contains substantial amounts of critical materials, including up to 88.2 pounds (40 kilograms) of nickel, 13.2 pounds (6 kilograms) of lithium, up to 11 pounds (5 kilograms) of cobalt, and 9.5 ounces (270 grams) of neodymium.

Despite the apparent volume of these materials, the analyst firm estimates that these components represent around $1,600 worth of recoverable materials per vehicle. However, based on current market prices and the increasing demand for these critical materials, the true value of recoverable materials could be much higher.

For example, nickel and cobalt prices have surged in recent years, and these metals alone could surpass the $1,600 estimate depending on market conditions.

This shift from PGMs to the critical materials found in electric vehicle components will likely drive innovation in recycling technologies. As the value of these metals becomes more concentrated in batteries and motors, advanced recycling technologies, such as direct recovery and hydrometallurgical processes, will play a pivotal role in efficiently reclaiming these valuable materials from end-of-life EVs.

Recycling technologies

As the automotive industry continues to embrace electrification, the growing demand for critical material recovery has spotlighted two key processes – pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical extraction – both poised to play a central role in meeting the needs of this evolving market.

Pyrometallurgical extraction, commonly referred to as smelting, has been a cornerstone of metal recovery from automotive scrap for decades. Despite its well-established presence in primary mineral processing, it is not without its drawbacks.

Pyrometallurgy requires high capital expenditures, consumes significant energy, and generates notable pollution. However, its ability to isolate valuable critical materials from low-value waste –especially those found in lithium-ion batteries – has made it an indispensable tool in recycling.

Building on pyrometallurgy's foundation, hydrometallurgical extraction is emerging as a more applicable and efficient method for end-of-life EV recycling. In this process, critical materials are chemically leached and separated in the liquid phase, offering significantly higher metal separation efficiency.

Hydrometallurgical processes are often preferred, especially when producing materials for clean energy applications, as they can achieve up to a 98% reduction in emissions compared to pyrometallurgical processing.

While these processes remain at the forefront of material recovery, direct recovery and recycling technologies are quickly gaining ground. For instance, lithium-ion battery cathode powders can be regenerated through lithiation, and rare earth alloys used in magnets can be directly recovered via hydrogen gas processing, which offers over a 50% reduction in energy costs compared to traditional methods.

IDTechEx predicts that as use of lithium, nickel, cobalt, and rare earths increases in EV components, direct recovery technologies will see rapid growth, offering the potential to lower costs and improve sustainability while setting the stage for the emergence of circular supply chains that will drive the next phase of critical material recovery.

Supply circularity


As the consolidation of critical materials within EVs progresses, the automotive industry is turning toward circular supply chains to address both material scarcity and sustainability challenges.

According to IDTechEx, by 2045, tens of millions of end-of-life EVs are expected to be retired each year, positioning these vehicles as a significant secondary source for valuable materials like lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and REEs.

While circular supply chains for REEs are still in the early stages of development, strategic partnerships between automotive manufacturers and specialized recycling firms are laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future.

Companies like Ford, BMW, and Bentley are working to close the loop on critical material recovery, aiming to reduce their reliance on primary mining sources and mitigate the supply challenges posed by geopolitical and environmental factors.

For instance, Ford has teamed up with Ionic Technologies and Less Common Metals to establish a circular supply chain for high-specification neodymium-iron-boron (NeFeB) magnets, which are integral to electric vehicle motors. These magnets will be produced using 100% recycled rare earths, an ambitious goal that could significantly reduce the industry's dependency on new rare earth mining and processing, which is currently dominated by China.

Despite the promise of circular supply chains, scaling the process faces challenges, particularly due to the limited availability of end-of-life components from EVs, as most vehicles are still actively in use.

According to the report, recovery technologies and circular supply chains are poised for rapid growth. However, a significant short-term challenge will be managing the limited supply of recyclable materials while demand for these metals continues to rise.

In the meantime, technology providers capable of processing both primary and secondary mineral sources are best positioned to navigate this transitional period.


Ultimately, IDTechEx believes that by 2045, end-of-life EVs will become a significant source of critical materials, with the recovery of lithium-ion battery metals and rare-earth elements driving the growth of this market.

Despite the expected growth, however, Howley says that many challenges remain in scaling the necessary recovery processes.

"In the short term, end-of-life component supply must be managed to ensure economic viability - this looks likely to be achieved by supplementing processes with primary mineral sources," he wrote. "In the mid- to long-term, battery, and motor design variability will complicate dismantling and processing for critical material recovery."

Though challenges remain, partnerships between technology providers, automotive manufacturers, and recyclers are beginning to emerge, laying the foundation for more efficient recovery processes. As circular supply chains mature, these collaborations will be vital in addressing the complex issues surrounding end-of-life vehicle recycling and ensuring a consistent supply of critical materials to meet future demand.

Even still, IDTechEx expects that with advancements in extraction technologies and an increased focus on recycling innovations, the critical material recovery market will grow significantly, with projections exceeding $110 billion by 2045.

Whether or not the projections by IDTechEx land true, this evolving market will not only help address global supply chain vulnerabilities but also support the transition to a more sustainable and circular economy where critical materials are efficiently reclaimed and reused.


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