The Elements of Innovation Discovered

A quiet element that sustains modern tech

Critical Minerals Alliances 2024 - September 16, 2024

Tin is indispensable today and shapes innovation of tomorrow.

From $5 flashlightS to multi-million-dollar super computers, virtually all electronics rely on tin, primarily because of its use in soldering. If circuit boards are considered the backbone of technology, then tin-based solder could be seen as the connective tissue that holds the industry together. Despite its fundamental role in the Digital Age, tin is often overshadowed by other critical minerals and contends with growing supply challenges and inadequate investment.

In recent years, the tin market has navigated a gauntlet of obstacles, from volatile prices to geopolitical disruptions, all while dutifully holding together the technologies that power our modern world.

Newer technologies and devices are driving an ever-growing demand for tin, but meeting this demand is becoming more difficult. Supply chains are increasingly strained, pressured by environmental concerns, political unrest, and the reliance on a small number of producing countries.

International Tin Association

Map of global distribution of tin resources in 2020, highlighting total reserves and CRIRSCO-compliant deposits across different regions.

Countries like China, Indonesia, and Myanmar dominate the global supply due to their substantial raw tin production capabilities, creating a precarious reliance on a few key players.

Political and economic volatility in these regions, coupled with a lack of environmental scrutiny, further strains the balance between supply and demand – uncertainties that have pushed the tin industry to a point where the supply chain teeters on a knife's edge, with minor disruptions potentially causing significant impacts on global markets.

For instance, in 2023, Myanmar's Wa State announced a halt in mining operations, which significantly disrupted the global supply chain and caused a sharp decrease in tin exports from the region. Similarly, Indonesia's recent shift in mining policies, including the controversial allocation of previously revoked mining permits to religious organizations, has added uncertainty to the tin market, further tightening supply and exacerbating concerns about long-term availability

Little need be said for the precarious relationship the West has with China.

Further complicating the situation is the stagnation of investment toward new tin mining projects. With no major new mines coming online and existing ones edging toward depletion, the industry's capacity to meet growing demand is becoming increasingly uncertain.

This shortfall is particularly alarming considering tin's irreplaceable role in emerging technologies.

With all these factors at play, tin remains overshadowed by more glamorous critical minerals like rare earths, lithium, and cobalt. While its diminished public perception could be speculated on, if it continues, this oversight will have significant repercussions.

As the world continues to advance towards a more digital and sustainable future, the demand for tin will only increase. Yet, without proactive measures to secure its supply chain, the industry risks facing a severe shortage that could undermine the very technologies that depend on this unassuming metal.

Too dependent

The United States is heavily dependent on imports to meet its tin needs, with 74% of the country's tin supply sourced from foreign producers.

While one of these suppliers includes Indonesia, the U.S. also relies heavily on Peru and Bolivia as well, two countries that present their own set of risks due to political instability and shifting environmental regulations.

Since domestic tin mining ceased in 1993 and smelting operations ended in 1989, the U.S. has increasingly relied on recycling and imports to fulfill its tin demand.

In 2023, the U.S. recovered around 17,000 metric tons of tin through recycling, which accounted for roughly 44% of the total 39,000 metric tons consumed. However, recycling alone will not meet predicted demand, leaving the U.S. vulnerable to potential supply disruptions.

This reliance not only highlights a strategic vulnerability but also raises questions about the long-term sustainability of the U.S. tin supply chain. With global demand for tin continuing to rise, especially in emerging technologies, the pressure on these supply chains is likely to intensify.

To mitigate these risks, there are ongoing efforts to enhance domestic recycling capabilities and explore potential alternative materials that could reduce dependency on tin. However, these initiatives are still in their nascent stages and face considerable challenges.

For now, the U.S. must continue to manage its existing supply chain, carefully balancing the reliance on imports with the uncertainties of the global market.

Potential for tin

Don Grybeck slides, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage

The Lost River Mine in Alaska was active intermittently from the early 1900s until 1955, producing over 687 tons of tin concentrate from approximately 51,000 tons of ore.

Historically, the United States was not always dependent on imports for its tin supply. Domestic tin production played a crucial role in meeting the nation's needs, especially during the 20th century. Notably, the Lost River mine on Alaska's Seward Peninsula was a significant producer of tin, particularly during the Korean War, before it ceased operations in 1955.

Various regions across the United States have a history of tin mining that contributed to the nation's supply. For instance, Temescal tin mine in California's San Bernardino County was notable for its production during the late 19th century.

Similarly, Alaska's York region was an important tin-producing area during World War II. Additionally, in North Carolina's Appalachian region, tin was mined alongside mica and feldspar, contributing to the area's mineral output, though tin was less prominent.

Beyond these somewhat-documented sites, other regions such as the Blue Mountains in Oregon, the Van Horn Mountains in Texas, and the Cornudas Mountains in New Mexico have been identified as containing tin, though they were never fully developed into large-scale operations.

With modern technological advancements and renewed interest in critical minerals, these areas, along with others, could be revisited as viable sources of tin, potentially reducing the nation's reliance on imports.

According to an assessment in 2018 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), "In the United States, tin most commonly occurs in the mineral cassiterite. The majority of tin occurrences are located in the state of Alaska, but tin is known to occur in many other locations in the contiguous United States."

This assessment identified over 120 regions, mines, and mineral deposits that contain enrichments of tin, with efforts aimed at understanding the distribution and resource potential of these deposits for future supply considerations.

The findings from the USGS underscore the significant untapped potential for tin production within the United States. While these resources have yet to be fully exploited, the comprehensive mapping and analysis provided by the USGS offer a foundation for future exploration and development.

Jack of all, master of none

While soldering remains the most recognized application of tin, this versatile metal is increasingly finding its way into a variety of advanced technologies, showcasing its importance far beyond traditional uses.

What makes tin irreplaceable is its unique combination of properties, which, while shared with other elements, are distinctly expressed due to its specific atomic structure and characteristics.

Low melting point: Tin's low melting point, akin to gallium, enables its use in low-temperature processing applications, making it ideal for soldering and other temperature-sensitive technologies.

High corrosion resistance: Comparable to zinc, tin's high corrosion resistance makes it valuable for coatings and protective layers, particularly in environments where oxidation is a concern.

Excellent electrical conductivity: Much like copper, tin's excellent electrical conductivity ensures its critical role in electrical connections within circuit boards.

Ductility and malleability: Reminiscent of gold and aluminum, tin's ductility and malleability allow it to be easily shaped into wires and sheets, facilitating its use in a range of manufacturing processes.

Non-toxic nature: Similar to titanium, tin's non-toxic properties make it safe for use in consumer products, including food containers and medical devices.

Despite these remarkable properties, tin continues to fly under the radar in discussions about critical materials.

While its significance in emerging technologies is undeniable, the broader narrative often overlooks tin's contributions, leaving it to remain quietly indispensable in the advancement of modern industry.

This understated role highlights a curious disconnect between tin's essential functions and the recognition it truly deserves.

Growing uses

Delving deeper into the properties that make tin one-of-a-kind, it becomes clear that this versatile metal is growing into an integral element of emerging technologies that are shaping the future across multiple industries.

One of the most promising areas where tin is making an impact is in energy storage, particularly in lithium-ion batteries, where tin-based composites are being incorporated into the anodes. These composites enhance energy density and extend battery life, making them fundamental in the growing demand for EVs and renewable energy storage solutions.

This is crucial in the growing demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions, where efficiency and longevity are paramount.

In the realm of solar energy, tin is finding its day in the sun through its role in developing next-generation photovoltaics, particularly in tin-based perovskite solar cells.

These cells provide a lead-free alternative to traditional perovskites, offering a more environmentally friendly option while maintaining high efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity.

Although still in the research phase, tin perovskite cells are seen as a potential breakthrough in solar technology, paving the way for greener energy production in the future.

Tin also shines in its role as a transparent conducting oxide, particularly in the form of tin oxide. This material is vital for producing displays and solar cells, including LCD screens, touch screens, and OLED displays, where it provides both transparency and electrical conductivity.

The unique combination of these properties makes tin oxide a clear choice for modern electronics, especially as consumer demand for high-quality displays continues to grow.

AI-generated by Adobe Firefly

Indium-tin oxide is essential for creating transparent and conductive films for a clear and responsive touchscreen interface in modern electronic devices.

Historically, tin was integral in the development of indium-tin oxide, a material that revolutionized the screens found in today's smartphones and tablets by enabling the creation of clear, electrically conductive films essential for responsive touch interfaces.

And while its contribution to that technology may not be widely recognized, tin has been instrumental in driving the screen-based innovations that have shaped the digital age, allowing us to literally see and interact with the world at the tips of our fingers.

Aside from energy storage, screens, and solar cells, there is another kind of cell that tin is found to be increasingly useful for: cell signal.

Tin alloys are now crucial in the production of high-frequency components essential for 5G networks, such as filters and antennas. These alloys enhance the performance and reliability of components which are necessary for meeting the high-speed, low latency demands of modern communication networks.

Finally, beyond electronic devices, tin's influence has also found its way into industrial processes where organotin compounds – tin atoms bonded to carbon-based organic molecules – are utilized as catalysts and biocides.

These compounds accelerate chemical reactions in the production of plastics and other materials while also preventing the growth of harmful organisms on marine coatings and agricultural products. The broad applicability of organotin compounds underscores tin's integral role across multiple sectors, from manufacturing to environmental management.

As tin continues to prove itself irreplaceable in a variety of advanced technologies and industrial processes, its necessity in the modern world cannot be overstated. Often disregarded, tin's versatility and unique properties position it as critical to sustaining and advancing key industries.

With its significance only set to grow, tin undoubtedly remains a fundamental component in today's technologies, while it drives innovation and supports the progress of tomorrow.


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